
Friday, 27 May 2011

Skills you will need

Although there is no recommended “prelaw” undergraduate major, prospective lawyers should develop proficiency in writing and speaking, reading, researching, analyzing, and thinking logically—skills needed to succeed both in law school and in the law. Regardless of major, a multidisciplinary background is recommended. Courses in English, foreign languages, public speaking, government, philosophy, history, economics, mathematics, and computer science, among others, are useful. Students interested in a particular aspect of law may find related courses helpful. For example, prospective patent lawyers need a strong background in engineering or science, and future tax lawyers must have extensive knowledge of accounting.

“You win some and you lose some, but you get paid for all of them.”


  1. damn, lawyers need a lot of skills and talents to be able to become a good successful lawyer ! hard job, nice payout :P

  2. takes quite a lot of different skills :/

  3. haha its so true. you need alot of skills to get there but once in the game it rolls in regardless of if your good

  4. Good info as usual sir.

    “You win some and you lose some, but you get paid for all of them.”

  5. Surprised about maths being useful. I suppose it's down to the logic angle of it.

  6. I have to say, one of the areas I was interested in as an undergrad was space law, it is historically poorly defined. Being an Astronomy major with an International Relations minor, one day, I wouldn't mind breaking into the field.

  7. Very nice tip, but quote is awesome!!

  8. my father always said to me - the more strings you have in your bow, the better

  9. Well, I did take public speaking. :D

  10. Good quote at the end man.

  11. I guess blogging is a start to become a lawyer!

  12. Damn, sounds like hard work actually, But hey that last quote is awesome.

  13. Gotta be real smart to be a lawyer!

  14. what motivation does a lawyer have to do a good job?
